Today was an unplanned doctor visit. I am thrilled Kelly has such good doctors though, because they saw her on an emergency basis today. Kelly woke up after I left for work, and was spotting after she used the bathroom. Well, immeadiately she called her doctor, and they wanted her to come straight in. Kelly called her mother, and both of them headed out. Upon arrival to the doctors office, they saw Kelly right away. They did an ultrasound as well as a quick pelvic exam. The ultrasound showed our baby dancing, and playing all around. In other words the baby is fine. However, the placenta is over the cervix, so thats whats causing the slight spotting. They put her on a two week bed rest, which means no work, no play, nothing. They are trying to get the placenta to move off the cervix during the next two week growth spurt. Hopefully it will, and she can go back to work, and everything will be fine. Again, the baby is fine!
This Visits Stats:
Age - 14W 3D today
Size - 4in
Heartbeat - 150bpm
Weight - roll of pennies
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