Monday, August 28, 2006

Doctor Visit 11

Today was another unplanned visit! Kelly had some slight pain in the uterus, she said it felt like our child was biting her! We both know thats impossible, but it was good for a laugh that morning, at the thought. Anyway, Kelly went to the doctor this afternoon. Again, I could not be there due to a photo shoot I was doing. But today was a good visit. They said the pulling sensation was from scar tissue from the surgery she had with the D&C procedure recently. Doctor said not to worry, its fine, and just another sign things are going well, and the uterus is growing. Another good report is the placenta has moved off the cervix a bit, and she released Kelly back to normal activities. Which was a welcome sign. They did a quick ultrasound today, and Olivia looks fine in there. She was active as ever, and they had a time getting her to stop moving for a second, to get some good ultrasound shots. We only got three this time, but its all good! Anyway, our next appointment is with both the high risk people and Arona. We are going to video the next one!
This Visits Stats:
Age - 17W 3D today
Size - 10"
Heartbeat - 167 bpm
Weight - 1/2 pound
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