Monday, October 20, 2003

Blizzard of 2003

Today was the blizzard of 2003. They predicted a foot of snow overnight, well we had "upslope" conditions, which caused a record snowfall to hit Aurora, and Denver. We got 84" overnight. It was halfway up the front door, halfway up the patio door. It buried my vehicle, and here I sit, scared as hell because it is still snowing. I love snow, but damn, this is a lot. The roof is cracking under the weight, trees are snapping and falling down all over us, and the power is on and off. I think the temperature is about 2 degrees. DIA is closed, the whole plains are shut down. People have already died in this trapped in their cars. God help us!!

Monday, September 15, 2003

Resigned From MSB

Today I tendered my resignation from the Melanie Susuras Band. There were things that I will not post that led to this, it was mutual though, and we will remain friends. I am also moving to Georgia, kinda hard to be in a band in Colorado from Georgia. It was fun, and I loved every minute of it. The fans, the shows, the success. Thank you Melanie Susuras, for giving this lonely drummer out of Aurora, a true shot at making it. Hopefully we will meet again on the road somewhere. My replacement in the band, is a killer drummer, David Derby. MSB is in good hands.

Friday, June 20, 2003

New House

I got it, a new condo in Aurora, CO. Right on Quincy Lake. Its beautiful. It is a two bedroom two bath condo, with a pool and everything for only 180K. I only have neighbors on one side of me. I can easily afford the payments, with my job. Its almost too perfect! I will post a picture here in a little while of the house. Its so nice to have your own space. Thank you mother for all of your help I couldn't not have done this without you.

Thursday, January 02, 2003

Excellent Job

Thanks to Melanie, I got a killer job at Mega Star Financial, processing home loans. Its the most money I have made. Thanks for sticking your neck out there for me Mel, I will always be grateful to you. So anyway, no more working weekends, nights, or overnights. This is a day job, imagine that, at 13 bucks an hour. Cant beat it! A sit-down job, now thats class, lol.